Cochise Crafters – Sunday Marketplace
Learn more and apply today here
Summer is coming, gardens will be flourishing, and temperatures will be rising. Don’t sit out in the heat selling your products, join us in the cool comfort of the Mall at Sierra Vista.
Every 3rd Sunday beginning May 22nd thru September 18th from 12:00-3:00, Cochise Crafters will be hosting the Sunday Marketplace. Bring your garden produce, house/garden plants, baked goods, crafts, home-based business/direct sales, or whatever new items (*) you would like to sell to our air-conditioned, indoor market.
Spaces will be $20.00 for a 10X10 space. You must bring your own tables, chairs and display fixtures. No canopies, no used items (that will be a different event). Registration and payment are required in advance and may be done through the Cochise Crafters website at To avoid conflicts with inline vendors, spaces will be assigned as you arrive with set up beginning at 11:00. Check-in will be directly in front of Mesquite Mercantile.
(*) certain restrictions apply = no weapons, CBD products, used items, perishable food items, etc. Baked goods must meet state compliance for home cottage businesses. Items found not in compliance, will need to be removed from your space.