Memories By Tasha Photography presents Basic Digital Photography
You asked and I have responded!! Join me on January 21st, 2023 for my first Arizona based beginners photography course.
Course Description:
A beginning course preparing it’s students to use their DSLR camera in manual functions for more perfect pictures and greater creative control of your pictures.Course Cost: $55
Course Location: Mesquite MercantileYou will receive 3.5 hours of course time. A binder with all information and room for notes. A Facebook group for students only where continued support is available.
Registration Link: https://memoriesbytashaphotography.pixieset.com/booking/beginner-s-photography-course-january-21-2023?fbclid=IwAR2cLt_BebIl54U_ly4URwjOG8k5sun-7-HzY3lPoDkVdF36xGuvdN3FjG8